Hulu Kūpuna ❀ Hō‘ike + Kanikapila❀Hālau Mele & Hālau Hula O Mānoa19:00 Casual evening of Hawaiian music and dance on the Seine River, with a special commemoration for nā kumu George Holokai, Ellen Pukaikapuaokalani Castillo, John Keolamaka’āinana Lake. We invite everyone who has received hula from these cherished kūpuna to get up and dance with us! (Please let us know, if possible) Hawaiian-style food will be served! The event is FREE, but food and drinks are not included
‘Ukulele workshop❀Māhealani Wong & Hālau Mele10:00 - 11:30 Learn to play the mele for the hula ‘auana that will be taught in the afternoon (All levels, but previous knowledge required)
Hawaiian crafts❀Nā mea hana lima: Hulu (feathers) ❀ Hālau Mele10:00 - 11:30 Make a pua hulu, feather flower.
Hula ‘Auana workshop❀Kilohana Silve13:30 - 16:30 Learn a lovely ‘auana and the story about a special place in Hawai’i.
Hawaiian crafts❀Nā mea hana lima: Lauhala❀Hanalei Marques16:30 - 18:30 Make a pe’ahi, Hawaiian fan, from lauhala leaves. The number of participants is limited, so sign up as early as possible!
Ho‘olaule‘a Europa❀Everyone!19:00 We would like to invite all of our European hula sisters and brothers to join us in a special evening of dancing and celebrating hula amongst ourselves in a historic old-style Parisian café. This is where you get to dance your own hula in a fun and friendly atmosphere! (For those who want to dance, please see details on the sheet: Ho’olaule’a Europa INFO).
Oli and Protocol workshop❀Sam ‘Ohukaniʻōhiʻa Gon10:00 - 12:00 Learn an oli, chant, along with the rituals and protocols for gathering plants, a vital element of Hawaiian culture and hula.
Hula Kahiko workshop❀Māhealani Wong13:30 - 16:30 We need YOUR opinion on this wikiwiki! Kumu Māhea has suggested a hula ‘ili’ili (with pebbles), which is rarely taught in Europe. Ideally, you would come with your own ‘ili’ili, which you can gather locally at a lake, river or by the seaside. However, if this is too complicated, she will teach a hula kahiko without instruments. Please let us know what you think when you sign up!
Mo’olelo & ‘Ōlelo❀Kalama Cabigon16:30 - 18:00 A storytelling session to “immerse” you in the spoken language, a fun, novel way to experience the beauty, sounds and rhythm of ‘ōlelo Hawai’i (Hawaiian) as well as to learn some new words. No prior knowledge needed, everyone is encouraged to attend!
Hawaiian crafts❀Nā mea hana lima: Hulu (feathers)❀Hālau Mele14:00 - 16:00 Make a pua hulu, feather flower. And for dancers, this is an opportunity to make your own kūpe’e (bracelet or anklet).
Nānā I Ke Kumu (Look to the Source)❀Performance, Théâtre Douze, Paris 20:15 – 21:45 We close our Hula Weekend and Festival with a unique opportunity to see an authentic hula kahiko and ‘auana performance by one of the most distinguished hālau from Hawai'i for the first time ever in France. True to their kuleana to both honor and be kumu, sources, Hālau Mele will not only perform dances, chants and live music, but will include accompanying explanations in order to provide European audiences with a broader understanding of Hawaiian culture and hula. The hula perpetuated and created by Hālau Mele are not seen in competitions, they are performed for ceremonies, rituals, to honor the ‘āina, the ‘ike, the kūpuna, the traditions. This is another facet, another purpose of hula, one that is much less visible, especially here in Europe. Nānā I Ke Kumu will be unlike any other performance you are likely to see, a very complete, very unique experience, and a “must” for anyone who loves hula and wants to know more about the kumu, the sources of hula.